Friday, December 26, 2008

S- A -D

Look what I did this weekend.

Go ahead say it. . .

You: "Jenny, youre a fat ass."

Me: "I know"

Me being sad realizing this fact.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I Have an Announcement. . .

I just wanted to introduce you all to my new boyfriend. His name is Raja. We are basically in love. The only problem is, wait for it. . . He's Married! Sad face. Sigh. A girl can dream. . .

Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Knees Hurt

"Why do your knees hurt?" You might ask. . . well I'll tell you. Last Friday for Zach Young's Birthday, he and Erica decided to go ice skating. Yeah I Know, Jenny+ Ice= Bad News. So basically I fell. . . alot. In my defense one of the times was not my fault. My sister Rebecca pulled me down with her. Very kind of her. But here a few pics of the night.

My sad knees after the first time I fell. I'm Bruised.

Rebecca, Rachel, Holly, and I

Rachel and Chad (she didn't fall once that night, jerk)

Rebecca and Scotty

Oh and I forgot to mention, Polar Ice is Skateland on ice. Its ridiculous how many kids were there. I had no idea. Ice skating is fun, but quite painful and damaging. . . Both to your body and dignity.

Friday, December 5, 2008

A Jones Tribute to The Pilgrims

So on the Saturday after Thanksgiving my family went out to the desert and I think we got back to our English roots.

First we rode through water. . .

. . . it was muddy, but it was water. So fun.

Next we made fire. . .

After that we shot guns. . .

. . . Pigeons and Rabbits

Then we ate. . .

. . . We had a good time, and I feel we would make our ancestors proud. . .

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Loved It!

Loved it. . .

. . . That is all.

Actually not quite. . . The whole time I was watching it, I was smiling ear to ear like an idiot. I love them as Bella and Edward. So good job whoever chose the cast.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tanny Baby Is Growing Up

This past week my little brother Tanner (aka Tanny Baby, Tan Tan, Teeny, and a few others) got asked to Winter Formal! His first dance. . . . That means he's 16. Bleh that makes me want to throw up. . . . and cry. Tan tan has been one of my best friends my whole life. From having Lego wars- where we would make these shelters with dry erase boards and throw legos at each other, to just this Monday when our whole family decided to desert us and us being awesome decided to watch Kung Fu Panda and get Filiberto's. Arizona Burritos anyone??? Oh and I mustn't for get that while we were in the drive thru we were dancing so good to any and every song that came on the radio. Keep in mind WE ARE JONES' and as such have been cursed with having an overwhelming lack of Rhythm. It was so fun and funny. I have a million memories of teeny and most are of him being hilarious. Here are 10 Reasons I Love Tanner. . .

#1) He is the biggest smart a in our family. . . I think it comes from being the youngest and picking up on his older siblings/parents examples.

#2) He is not afraid to look like a schmuck.

#3) His eyebrows. . . they are un-tamable

#4) He is almost always willing to get me a drink

#5) He and I have the same sense of humor. . . but he is actually funny.

#6) He can quote the movie Hot Rod almost perfectly. . . and the Music Man

#7) He and I can tease each other. . . it drives my mom insane, but we are just entertaining ourselves.

#8) He can make some of the most hideous faces. . . like me.

#9) He is just too stinking cute.
(Don't mind the sunflower seeds in my dad's mouth)

#10) He is actually really nice and sweet.
(He is the one on the right pushing the handcart with the little girl on it)

. . . . .

And to think. . . this whole post was started by him getting asked to a dance. Oh how time flies. I love the kid. He's going to do great in life. This is how he got asked and him being way excited.

Yay Tanner!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Beautiful Thing - Decode by Paramore

I am sooo Excited for Twilight after watching this video!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday Evening Mouse

Today after dinner my little brother tanner went outside to look for his baseball glove. We have this big black box that we put all our athletic equipment in. Out of the corner of my eye I see Tanner jump and scream, "A Mouse!" In a matter of seconds everyone in my family, including my future sister in law, that's right, its official, is standing by the window looking in the big black box. Tanner was tearing everything out of the box quickly, but carefully as to not accidentally pick up the mouse. Eventually all the boys were outside trying to find/kill this little rodent. Then I in brilliance was like,"Oh my gosh let me get my camera so I can post about this!" It was disgusting and sad at the same time.

This is the black box
Look at all the crap we stuffed in it!

Softball gloves, badminton rackets, a kite, bases, etc.

. . . . . .

And now, if you are faint of heart, you should not go any further.

Here is a picture of the culprit. The poor little nasty rat. I almost felt really bad.

I know it is cruel/inhumane to put this picture up, but I felt the post wouldn't be complete without it.

Its kinda no wonder why it decided to live there, it was dirty, there was a large stash of dog food near by, and it had its very own guard dog. Sounds like a good deal to me, Until you get caught and killed by my dad.

I find it necessary to add that in the event of taking these pictures my brothers, brothers in law, and my very own father tried to push me into the box with the dead mouse. One went so far as to physically pick me up and hover me above it.

Our neighbors probably thought I was being murdered because of the screaming.

The were calling it "The Boo Box" like from Hook.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


My family has season tickets to the ASU football games. Needless to say, they haven't been doing so well, and their games aren't very entertaining. . . UNLESS. . . You're sitting behind
this guy. . .

. . . Like me

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This Is War!

So this year for her birthday my mom asked for a ping pong table, and when I say asked, I actually mean that she kinda demanded one. Telling us that she's been wanting one forever. Naturally my dad got her one. (and she acts like she's not spoiled HA!) If you come by our house and pull in our driveway at around 9 or 10PM you will find this.

It looks harmless, but don't let them fool you. They get competitive.

I told them to look scary and this is the best they came up with. You should see them at Halloween! Ha ha.

Table Tennis, Ping Pong, whatever you want to call it, has a new home.

The Jones Neil Jones Garage.

I Love my parents! Here's to Neil and Andrea.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Primary Program

So the primary program was a couple weeks ago, but I forgot to post about it. I feel it needs to be posted about since I ended up having to go up with my class. We got these new twin girls in our class about 3 weeks before the program, they didn't go to church much before that time. So it was really good having them. They are 4. So they got into a full on fist fight during the program, of course I was the one sitting by them. It was bad. The one was like, "STOP IT!" and then the other one punched her. No good. The one that got punched was on my lap in like .2 seconds and another teacher came over and put the other one on her lap. Thank you Beth! Everyone came up to me afterwards and told me that I had the "Patience of Job" it was a compliment, but really what could I do? That was quite the experience. My first Primary Program, a fist fight. Whats next? I don't know if anything can top that one, but Ill have to wait and see what happens next year.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Two in One

Okay so I never posted anything about the rodeo I went to, so even though I already posted today, Im going to post some more pictures and tell you about them. First off my family went to the PBR rodeo last Saturday, It was So Much Fun.

This is Tanner and Me in our cowboy get up.

Crazy cowboy who made it the entire 8 seconds

And now I present the Greatest part of the night... Wolf from American Gladiators was there! It was awesome!

In conclusion Saturday was Amazing.

Story of My Life

So this is the story of my life in nut shell.

It started when I got an iPhone for my birthday. No joke 10 days later, Apple announced that they were coming out with a new iPhone that would be half the price and twice as fast. Kill me. So I got over the fact that my phone would out dated a month after I got it cause lets get real, I had an iPhone. Well on the night of August the 1st my Phone started ringing so I went to answer it and dropped it. Sad face. I had dropped it before but this time was different, it landed on its face and cracked into a million pieces. I almost cried. It still works and all but now its ugly. That's the story of my life.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Edward vs. Jacob

Which do you prefer? I find it appropriate to ask this seeing it is only 3 hours 41 minutes til the release of Breaking Dawn. Wow. I am actually nervous. Whats going to happen? Will Edward die? Will Jacob die? Maybe Bella? Who knows.... the suspense is almost unbearable. So I want to know, what do you think will happen? Will Bella become a vampire? Or will she in the end choose Jacob? I feel like the biggest nerd right now. If anyone posts about the end of the book before I finish reading it, I might have to slit their throat. Consider yourselves warned. Ha ha.... No but really, Beware. I feel it necessary to share with you a shirt I saw on the Internet. I think its pretty..... Awesome? Weird? Pathetic? Okay so I can't find it anymore, but it said "Save a Volvo, ride Edward Cullen" Once again WOW! Another one I saw was "Only a vampire can love you forever" oh and I cant forget the classic "Real men Sparkle" I thought I would share those with you, I think if you just Google "twilight shirts" you'll find them.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Wrong Time?

Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong time period. No joke. Like I love ABBA and other old music, I enjoy dressing up in 60s and 70s clothing that was my mom's, like I just love their styles, and I don't know I just think it would be a blast to have lived back then. Its just a theory, but on decades day at school I would wear different dresses that my mom made in high school and all the teachers would be like "you make a great hippie" or "kindred spirits" or "why couldn't you have been in high school in the 60s we would have been friends..." that one was weird! I'm just throwing it out there, I am going to try to find pictures to go along with this theory, but until then, you'll just have to believe me. :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008


So about a month ago I went to the Jimmy concert with my friend Vianca. Anyway I bought tickets for it on the day of the concert, not expecting to get that great of seats. We arrive at the Dodge Theatre and start walking to are seats and some how we ended up having tickets on the front row in the very center! It was totally awesome. It was a great show by the way. Here are a couple pics from it!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Random Pics

I just want to start out by saying, I enjoy taking pictures. I must have gotten it from the Jones side. I took photography at Mesa for three years. Anywho, here are some pictures i have taken recently. I know, they arent my best work, but oh well.