"Why do your knees hurt?" You might ask. . . well I'll tell you. Last Friday for Zach Young's Birthday, he and Erica decided to go ice skating. Yeah I Know, Jenny+ Ice= Bad News. So basically I fell. . . alot. In my defense one of the times was not my fault. My sister Rebecca pulled me down with her. Very kind of her. But here a few pics of the night.
My sad knees after the first time I fell. I'm Bruised.
Rebecca, Rachel, Holly, and I
Rachel and Chad (she didn't fall once that night, jerk)
Oh and I forgot to mention, Polar Ice is Skateland on ice. Its ridiculous how many kids were there. I had no idea. Ice skating is fun, but quite painful and damaging. . . Both to your body and dignity.
Oh no I am the absolute worst at ice skating. The last time I went was in like 8th grade and I hold the record for falling. The next day, I had like 5 bruises and couldn't move. I absolutely hate ice skating. If I guy wants to take me on a date ice skating, it's over right then and there!
Aww poor Jenny! If it makes you feel better Heidi is HORRIBLE at ice skating too. We should all go sometime. I love ice skating. It's hilarious!!
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