Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday Evening Mouse

Today after dinner my little brother tanner went outside to look for his baseball glove. We have this big black box that we put all our athletic equipment in. Out of the corner of my eye I see Tanner jump and scream, "A Mouse!" In a matter of seconds everyone in my family, including my future sister in law, that's right, its official, is standing by the window looking in the big black box. Tanner was tearing everything out of the box quickly, but carefully as to not accidentally pick up the mouse. Eventually all the boys were outside trying to find/kill this little rodent. Then I in brilliance was like,"Oh my gosh let me get my camera so I can post about this!" It was disgusting and sad at the same time.

This is the black box
Look at all the crap we stuffed in it!

Softball gloves, badminton rackets, a kite, bases, etc.

. . . . . .

And now, if you are faint of heart, you should not go any further.

Here is a picture of the culprit. The poor little nasty rat. I almost felt really bad.

I know it is cruel/inhumane to put this picture up, but I felt the post wouldn't be complete without it.

Its kinda no wonder why it decided to live there, it was dirty, there was a large stash of dog food near by, and it had its very own guard dog. Sounds like a good deal to me, Until you get caught and killed by my dad.

I find it necessary to add that in the event of taking these pictures my brothers, brothers in law, and my very own father tried to push me into the box with the dead mouse. One went so far as to physically pick me up and hover me above it.

Our neighbors probably thought I was being murdered because of the screaming.

The were calling it "The Boo Box" like from Hook.


•stephanie• said...

i may hate mice worse than halloween.

Mac and Kelly said...
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Kimberly McLaughlin said...

Oh my nasty, I could barely make myself look at that picture!! blah! I hate mice!! I'd probably straight up cry if my brothers were threatening to throw me in with one!! Also, who is commenting things that need to be deleted? haha

MeL said...

The Boo Box. That made me laugh really really hard.