Thursday, June 4, 2009

Good Times

My reading as of late has consisted of this:

and this:

When I opened the latter to begin reading, I found this:

It was probably one of the greatest nights ever. Ryan is the best cause he didnt even read Harry Potter and he came with me. Seriously when I found it I laughed for like 5 minutes. I love and miss my best friend Ry Dix in Croatia.


Kimberly McLaughlin said...

Well, you know I love anything HP...and I love finding something random from a fun time, so I think that that's totally the best you can get!! haha

granny said...

as do i, as do i. thanks for posting the pic...what a fun surprise.

Unknown said...

i just started the deathly hallows.. this is me the whole time :)

Rachel Hatch said...

You are a nerd.

Britney {Jesses Girl} said...


sweet guy.

great friend.
