Friday, July 23, 2010

Round Table

This year Thomas and I were honored to be
able to attend our first Round Table camp out.

On our way up to Big Lake . . . can you tell how excited we are?

It did not disappoint.

Now I cannot include many details

about said "Round Table"

because its activities are top secret.

I can tell you we went to Big Lake . . .

We ate a lot of tasty food . . .

The Jones Family was in charge of dinner one night.

. . . Thomas and I did the dishes . . .

We went fishing . . .

We just hung out with all our married Allred cousins.

And sat around the campfire telling stories and eating smores . . . yum.

side note: use rolos next time you make smores.

It was so fun!
I honestly don't know the last time

my family went camping.

Probably because we grew up hating it

and hearing how terrible it was.

Anyway, we had so much fun

I can't wait til next year!

and on our way home we were able to

stop at El Rey and eat a delicious

green chile cheese crisp.

(pictured in the previous post)


Kimberly McLaughlin said...

Fun!! oh, family! :)

Rachel Hatch said...

Yay round table. So fun to just hang out.
Question: Why the hell is Sean Paul playing on your blog?

Jenny Hogle said...

Sorry Chach...I am only mildly ashamed to say that I kinda like Sean Paul...Please still let me hold your baby when he-she comes. Its mostly just that song...